Tengai-e zue (emaki) (A picture scroll illustrating the Tengai-e)

 The Tengai-e, which is written with several alternative Chinese characters, is the name of an assembly involving the a re-enactment of the welcoming of manifestation of the Hachiman deity from Usa. The assembly was held each year in May every year when three portable shrines were paraded, special rites held, and dengaku and kagura dancing was offered to the deity.
 The assembly was celebrated as an imperial event until Tenbun 8 (1539), after which the local people took charge of it. As a result of the official separation of the Buddhist and native deities, the procession ceased to be conducted and today only the Shinto ritual is carried out within the shrine precincts and at the Tengaimon.
 In addition to this illustrated scroll, costumes and masks for bugaku dances and musical instruments have been preserved as sacred treasures at Tamukeyama Hachiman-gu.
